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Finding Happiness Is Just A Blessing Away!

There was this young lady in my church back home in the Philippines that I was very fond of. She got married early in life and had little kids at such a young age. Her house was just close by our church and so whenever she missed the worship service, I would swing-by her house. She and her family were very poor. They lived in a small, dilapidated shack, and it was evident that she was struggling in life. Every time she saw me, I’d see her beamed with glee. She was always bubbly, so fun to talk with, and had this contagious laughter. There was no hint of miseries or whatsoever when you see her.

     One Sunday, I went to her house at noon right after our church service. She told me she wanted to invite me for lunch, but she was shy because they only had cooked rice…as usual. I knew how hard her life had been, but I couldn’t remember seeing her being sad, in fact, it was the total opposite – she always looked happy! I held her hand and told her, “But you are happy!” She answered me, “I have to! I chose this kind of life and so, to be happy is also the choice I must make regardless. If I have to be sad and feel miserable with life because of my situation, then, what is there to life…what is there that’s left of me?” Upon hearing that, I felt with mixed emotions – admiration towards this lady, blessed, ashamed (because there were times I whined even at the slightest problem), etc.

     Blessings come in many forms, like, I felt blessed to have known this person! Her strength and her endurance were very admirable, a beauty that never fades. Occasionally, I look back to that conversation I made with her, and I always try to remember her, and I feel blessed with whatever I have. Human as we are, we tend to feel discontented because we always strive for better things, and for something we don’t have. However, let us always remember that there are people whose life are not treating them good, people who are wishing they had our lives. We have to start counting our blessings, and just be happy of what we have and who we are and give back whenever opportunity permits.

     When we wake up in the morning, it is already a reason to be happy about because life itself is already a great blessing. Make no room for grudges, for envies, for pride, etc., because life is so beautiful to be ruined by those negativities.

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4

Written by Maria "Marilou" and was published on March 13, 2018.

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