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Sticking to My 2019 New Year's Resolution

           It’s day 9 of 2019! I made it a resolution (I don’t really do new year's resolutions as I am somewhat bad in keeping them, but this time, I am determined) this year that I must move around more often and be back to being fit. As what I had mentioned in my previous post, I let go of myself for awhile and eventually, it has taken a toll on my body. I gained a lot and I was fully aware of it, first hand.

           Living in the Pacific Northwest in Oregon, around this time of the year, we have a dreadful weather – rain and cold! However, I steer clear myself from any excuses and alibis. The latter two words have a common denominator and that is failure. I refuse to settle myself with that. I am babysitting my granddaughter at 9:30 this morning and so I needed to pull myself up, get out, and take my brisk walk/run before then. I couldn’t go out when it’s still dark outside, so I waited ‘til the daylight turned up at around 8am. I only had about 5 hours of sleep last night, I was tired and sleepy, but I wouldn’t let that get in the way. Thanks to coffee, by the way! 

           It was raining heavy when I went out, but I was armed with umbrella to save the day as I did not want to be soaked in water. It was gloomy and chilly, and it seemed like I was just the only one outside. The place was still in slumber. I just brushed it off and started moving. As I started brisk walking and running alternately, my left arm soon started to feel numb after a few minutes of holding my umbrella. I have a carpal tunnel syndrome with both of my hands. Nevertheless, I felt the need to go on, and so I did. Later, I saw this old lady around in her early 70’s also doing the same thing. I know she is a frequent walker, or should I say, consistent as I saw her walking many times before. We were like walking buddies from afar. When I saw her, I was inspired! I am way younger than she is, but there she goes. This is all the more reason for me to keep on going. I know along this journey there will be times that I would feel lazy to mobilize my body, but every time that day comes, I would just reconnect with my vision and mission to motivate me.

           Around after Christmas last year, I dreamed of my mother giving me vitamins, not once but twice on that particular dream. When I woke up, I tried to analyze it to unfold its meaning. Then, I thought that maybe my mother wanted to give me a message that I must move on and start taking care of myself. It was a wakeup call for me! Getting into a tip-top shape takes a lot of hard work, self-discipline, and determination. When we strive to lose weight, our aim should not be to look good (although that can be a bonus), but more so to be healthy. Health is wealth. There is a reason why countless of people would spend their whole savings to regain their health. Health equates quality life!

           On my first week, I really did not go extreme. I don’t want to have a drastic weight loss because I believe it’s not good to lose too fast, too soon. Stick to that old adage, “Slowly but surely”. I’ve read a lot of articles on health and have read a lot of times that a safe amount of weight to lose is about two to three pounds a week. There are also those hyped fast diet programs like Intermittent, Keto, Paleo, Military, Mean Green Juice diet, Cabbage Soup Diet, etc. I did the last three a few times, and even did Paleo for a bit. They worked well, but what happened was that I gained back the lost pounds and even more. They are not just sustainable for me, at least. I want my dieting the way I want it, at my own pace, and what I believe will give me better result that will stick with me in the long run. Adding to that, I also do not want to deprive myself from the foods I am used to enjoy as of now. I don’t want to be miserable! I know I will eventually get to that point where I want to eat just healthy stuffs for the most part, and a day or two of cheat days. I’d been there, you know. 

           For now, I let myself to take it gradually. It’s just too much to take it in at once. So, what I did, for the first three days, I would take 10 pcs of chips instead 20-plus or more. I ate the chips one at a time, and only when I craved to have a bite. I also do this to other foods I love. Moderation is key. I  eat my rice in every meal, but I cutdown the portion big time. Instead of about 3 cups of cooked rice each meal, I only eat about one-fourth a cup in the morning and evening. I also drink a lot of water. I used to drink at least a hundred of ounces of water a day because I sweat a lot from working out before. When I became a lot less active, my water intake was also lessened. To be able to track down my water intake, I always have these two 800-ml water bottle. I fill them up with all sorts of fruits. This makes it more appealing to drink up my water and a subtle taste of the fruits soothes my taste bud! I keep filling these bottles up with water all day! Water is essential to good health. It is like gas to cars! Drinking too much water is not good ‘though. When your kidneys can’t excrete the excess water, the sodium content of your blood is diluted (hyponatremia) – which can be life-threatening. I am not associated in any medical field, but I just read a lot. Anyway, keep that in mind.

           Back to today's workout, I was truly happy I made it and even surpassed my daily 12,000-step goal notwithstanding the bad weather, and other factors that could of have stopped me from getting it done. I hope that I have inspired you to be onboard with me. It is still a long way to go, but every step counts to reaching that goal! Wish me luck! 

My stats this morning and in the evening.  




  1. You can do it Lou! It takes determination and courage to do your goals. Just take it slow and when your body gets used to your routine it'll tell you I want more. Good luck and happy walking!!!

    1. Thank you for uplifting my spirit, Kim! Yes, I can do it! ;D


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