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New Year, New Me!

     Today is the very first day of the year. I always get excited when the year is just about to start because I am always hopeful to get the things left undone the past year to accomplish this year. I always map out plans and reconnect with my visions for the current year and eager to have them realized. Whenever the quarter of the year comes around, but I still have things remain not done, I feel like I just want the year to end to start afresh for the coming year. I really hope this year will be different. I need to be more accomplished, and more successful in ticking off all of the things-to-do in my list.

     One of the things that I want so badly this year is to lose weight. Well, I guess I share the same goal with a ton of people. It is easier said than done, no doubt. Been there, done that many, many times. I have a yo-yo weight loss, but at the age of 46, it makes me rethink that I need to be serious in taking care of my health - and for my husband. Our townhouse (subdivision) has a gym, but hubby and I have a paid gym membership elsewhere. It expires every 6 moths, and last October, hubby renewed it for the next 6 moths. Neither of us hit the gym once since then, and we paid a hefty amount for it. It would be a total waste if I couldn't start going there.

     Hubby and I weighed ourselves this morning. As devastating as it is, I weigh 138 pounds. This may sound not much to some, but I stand 4'10" so this makes me fall to the "overweight" category. This is, by far, the biggest I have ever been. My mother passed away in September of last year, and from there, my weight went haywire. In less than 4 months, I gained more or so 20 pounds. I admit, I am a big foodie! I eat when I am happy as I feel like celebrating, and I eat more when I am sad as I find comfort in foods! However, I was also active. I used to walk a lot, go to the gym, etc., but I hit rock bottom with my mother's passing. I submerged myself into binging, lounging, and contemplating. This needs to stop! So today, hubby and I went out and braved out the winter cold and did a good walk at the park. We are sick for the past days now (he's better now, so that's good! As for me, I am still feeling crappy). We just need to push ourselves and warm-up to doing this as often as possible!

     I am somewhat excited to post the "before and after" photos of hubby and me in the future. Hopefully, not too long from now.

     Happy New Year! Maligayang Bagong Taon! Maayong Bag-ong Tuig!


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