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Day Trip to Mantigue Island PHILIPPINES

While visiting Camiguin Island we wanted to visit Mantigue Island (MAN-T-GEE). A small island about 2 miles or so off of the coast of Camiguin. We rented a crew and pump boat for around ₱600 ($12) plus ₱30 (.60) environmental fee per person that took us on our 20-minute journey to Mantigue. For an additional ₱200 ($4), the crew circled the island and told us about the history.

Once we landed on shore, we found a cottage in the shade. They all rent for ₱150 ($3 USD) for the day. We made arrangements with the crew of our pump boat that we wanted to be picked up around 1:30PM. The boat ride takes 20 minutes and you are only allowed to stay 4 hours on the island, if you want to stay longer you have to pay ₱50 ($1) extra per hour. And around 4 pm you have to leave Mantigue Island. There is food available to buy on the island, but we packed our own lunch and brought water and soft drinks.

I flew the drone, but my camera settings were all jacked up! I am still learning and unfortunately, I had to learn by seeing my crappy footage! It will get better! ;)

The sand is soft and white. I suggest bringing or wearing aqua socks or water shoes, but flip flops will work too. I just start to slip with wet flip flops...lol

The whole Island is about 9 acres and only took us about 20 minutes to circle the island.

Thanks for watching!

Aqua socks I use (Amazon affiliate link) -

-- f i n d u s o n s o c i a l m e d i a ! ---
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